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application vulnerability scanning outsourced

Application Vulnerability Scanning: Why You Should Probably Be Outsourcing

Vulnerability scanning plays a crucial role in protecting your applications against potential threats. It can help your organization uncover weaknesses in your software before malicious actors can exploit them resulting in devastating consequences.

However, while handling vulnerability scanning in-house might seem feasible, outsourcing this critical task can offer some significant advantages.

Let’s explore why you should probably be outsourcing vulnerability scanning for your applications.


What Is Vulnerability Scanning

Simply put, vulnerability scanning is like conducting a health check for your system. It's an automated process that scans your network, systems, and applications to pinpoint any known vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that might make them susceptible to attacks.

These vulnerabilities can take various forms, including:

  • Injection flaws: These occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query, potentially enabling attackers to execute malicious code or access sensitive information.
  • Broken authentication: Weaknesses in authentication mechanisms can permit attackers to compromise user accounts or gain unauthorized access to your application.
  • Sensitive data exposure: Failure to adequately protect sensitive data can lead to data breaches and privacy violations.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS): XSS attacks inject malicious scripts into web pages viewed by other users, potentially stealing sensitive data or hijacking user sessions.
  • Security misconfigurations: Misconfigured security settings can leave your application open to attack.

Vulnerability scanning employs a combination of automation and rule based checks plus manual review to pinpoint these potential weaknesses plus prioritize each risk.


Outsourcing Vulnerability Scanning – Benefits for Your Business

While vulnerability scanning is undeniably vital, conducting it in-house can present challenges. This is where outsourcing shines, offering numerous benefits that can enhance your application security stance.

Let’s take a look at some of the main benefits to outsourcing vulnerability scanning for your applications.


1. Tap into Specialized Expertise

Cybersecurity is a complex and ever-changing domain with, quite honestly, too many new tools and specialties to count. In addition, there is a major gap of quality talent that can be difficult to find and manage.

Outsourcing vulnerability scanning allows you flexibility and the ability to access a team of seasoned security professionals that specialize in a variety of tools to identify plus help mitigate vulnerabilities.


2. Cost-Efficiency

Building and maintaining an in-house vulnerability scanning team can be expensive. It requires the need to invest in specialized tools, training, and personnel which at a minimum will likely exceed $300K annually.

Outsourcing eliminates these overhead costs and provides a flexible, cost-effective solution for top notch security.


3. Focus on Core Business Activities

Many small businesses or startups will often use existing engineering resources to “get by” until they grow bigger. However, although vulnerability scanning is crucial, this is just diverting important internal resources away from core business activities – ones that they don’t specialize in at that.

By outsourcing, you free your team to focus on what they do best while entrusting application security to experts.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows and your applications expand, your vulnerability scanning needs will evolve. In addition, if you decide to manage everything internally, it will become hard to control costs and workload.

Outsourcing offers the scalability and flexibility to adapt to these changing requirements, ensuring your applications remain protected regardless of their size or complexity.


5. Unbiased Assessments

An external vulnerability scanning provider brings an objective perspective. There is no bias based on internal pressures or politics. This ensures an impartial and thorough assessment of your applications.


6. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements

Many industries have strict compliance and regulatory requirements regarding data security and application protection. Outsourcing vulnerability scanning can help you meet these standards, avoiding potential fines and penalties.

In addition, outsourcing may also help you secure better rates for cyber insurance depending on your industry and data.


Selecting the Ideal Outsourcing Partner

Choosing the right outsourcing partner is critical for the success of your vulnerability scanning strategy. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Expertise and Experience: Look for a provider with a proven track record in application security and vulnerability scanning. Teams that have been around for a whil and understand the industry.
  • Technology and Tools: Ensure the provider uses advanced scanning tools and technologies to identify even the most subtle vulnerabilities.
  • Reporting and Communication: Clear and concise reporting is essential. The provider should furnish detailed reports on identified vulnerabilities, accompanied by actionable remediation recommendations. In addition, there should be manual verification of any automated reports to prioritize the biggest threats.
  • Customer Support: Responsive and accessible customer support is crucial. You should be able to contact the provider whenever you have questions or concerns.
  • Cost: While cost shouldn't be the sole factor, choose a provider offering competitive pricing and transparent billing.

Optimizing the Benefits of Outsourcing

To maximize the advantages of outsourcing vulnerability scanning, keep these tips in mind:

  • Establish Clear Goals and Expectations: Define your vulnerability scanning objectives and communicate them clearly to your outsourcing partner.
  • Collaborate Closely: Maintain open communication with your provider, granting them the necessary access and information to conduct effective scans.
  • Review Reports Thoroughly: Take the time to carefully review vulnerability scan reports, prioritizing remediation efforts based on the severity and potential impact of identified vulnerabilities.
  • Implement Remediation Plans: Work with your provider to develop and implement effective remediation plans to address identified vulnerabilities.
  • Conduct Regular Scans: Vulnerability scanning should be an ongoing process. Schedule regular scans to ensure your applications remain protected against emerging threats.

Outsourcing Application Vulnerability Scanning: Final Thoughts

While in-house vulnerability scanning is an option, outsourcing offers compelling advantages, including access to specialized expertise, cost-efficiency, scalability, and unbiased assessments. By carefully selecting the right outsourcing partner and collaborating closely, you can strengthen your application security posture and ensure your valuable assets remain protected.

Talk with us today to learn how True Positives  can help you build or scale your AppSec program affordably!