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Application Security Isn’t a Cost Drain – It’s a Business Driver

When most of us think about our application security we think about it just as an expense – something we need to do to check the box. However, we need to start rethinking that mindset and begin to understand how having a solid security posture is in fact a business driver, not a cost drain.


The Price of Neglecting Security: Your Business

Let's be honest: ignoring your application security is really just a gamble, a calculated risk. Most businesses are just betting that either they aren’t a target because people don’t know about them or they don’t have enough value to make it worth it.

However, it’s a gamble that has devastating consequences because a single breach as we have seen can lead to:

  • Massive Financial Loss: Recovery costs, legal battles, and lost revenue can cripple your business and for startups likely permanently.
  • Loss of Reputation: A tarnished brand takes years to rebuild, and some customers will never return. Once again, this is especially true for startups.
  • Operations Halted: Systems can be taken offline, grinding your business processes and productivity to a halt which can kill momentum, potential launches and partnerships, etc.
  • Regulatory Issues: Non-compliance with data protection laws like GDPR or CCPA can lead to massive penalties. In addition, depending on the industry it may prevent your ability to do business moving forward.

How a Solid AppSec Foundation Can Drive Your Business or Startup Growth

In reality, a solid application security foundation is an investment that really can be a massive driver for your business.

Let’s take a look at how.


Customers Trust You More

In a world where there is seemingly a data breach or security issue every other week, customers are prioritizing company’s with solid security foundations. In fact, a McKinsey study found that more than 50% of millennial and Gen Z customers will consider switching brands when data security practices are unclear.

Prioritizing your AppSec from the beginning makes that commitment very clear and fosters loyalty, encourages repeat business, and can even be a differentiator against competitors.


Your Business Can Innovate Faster

Secure development practices, like DevSecOps, bake security into your entire software lifecycle. When implemented correctly, this helps eliminate bottlenecks, streamlines processes, and enables faster, more agile releases. Conversely, security issues emerging late in the dev cycle causes delays or a mountain of security technical debt that leaves your business vulnerable.


You Differentiate Yourself for Investors

Although this may apply more to venture backed startups, a strong security posture can help set you apart and attract dollars from investors that might be on the fence. It derisks you in some sense by showing that you have good processes in place and reassures investors that there capital is less likely to be jeopardized by avoidable security breaches.


Your Operations Stay Running Smoothly

This is probably an obvious one but there is nothing like a data breach to kill momentum – both in private and public eye. Partnerships and product launches get put on hold, morale is down, and ultimately (depending on your company’s stage) it may never come back.

Having a strong appsec framework ensures your operations stay running smoothly, and much like investors, gives partners who may be on the fence peaces of mind.


You Get a Return on Your Investment

Having a commitment to your application security from the beginning pays you back tenfold in the long run. For one, you don’t build up a mountain of technical debt that requires expensive refactoring down the road. This leads to more efficient development and continuing momentum once you get going. You can also get better rates on your security insurance in the event that somehow there is an incident.

Ultimately, it really becomes an ongoing source of ROI over time.


Making the Shift: Practical Steps to a Security First

  1. Make Security Everyone's Job: Embed security into your company culture from top to bottom. Encourage everyone, from developers to the C-suite, to prioritize it.
  2. Invest in Expertise: If you lack in-house security gurus, get help from the outside. A good consultant or managed AppSec service provider can provide valuable guidance that can save you a lot of money and headaches.
  3. Embrace DevSecOps: Integrate security testing and best practices directly into your development workflow. Automate where possible to catch vulnerabilities early.
  4. Regular Audits and Penetration Testing Are Key: Don't just set it and forget it. Continuously assess your security posture and address any weaknesses before they become problems.
  5. Educate and Train: Ensure your teams are always up-to-date on the latest security threats and best practices.

The Bottom Line: Application Security is an Investment

When we consider application security, it's easy to just think about it as an expense. Yet, this perspective overlooks the significant benefits a strong security posture can bring to your business.

We need to shift our thinking and begin to see application security as an investment that really does have a tangible return – both over the short and long term.

To learn more about what we do here at True Positives and how we can help you build or scale your AppSec program affordably, talk with us today!