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Why Startups Need to Integrate AppSec Earlier in Their Growth

In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is no longer a concern only for large enterprises. Small businesses and startups are increasingly becoming targets for cyberattacks. This makes the integration of Application Security (AppSec) a crucial aspect of business strategy from the outset.

Instead of watching our technical debt as it relates to AppSec grow beyond any reasonable sense, we need to start prioritizing security early on so that when growth comes we are positioned for long term success.


Understanding Application Security (AppSec)

Application Security, commonly referred to as AppSec, involves measures and practices aimed at identifying, preventing, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in applications. This encompasses a range of activities, including secure coding practices, code reviews, penetration testing, and the implementation of security controls within the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

As applications become more complex and interconnected, they become prime targets for cybercriminals. Vulnerabilities in applications can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. However, by integrating AppSec practices, businesses can proactively address these risks, ensuring their applications are secure from development through deployment and beyond.


Why Do Startups Neglect AppSec?

Although each organization is different, the reasons many startups neglect their application security boils down to 4 reasons.


Focus on Rapid Development and Growth

Startups are often under immense pressure to develop products quickly and bring them to market. This emphasis on speed can lead to the neglect of critical security practices. Founders and developers may prioritize new features and rapid iterations over thorough security assessments.

Unfortunately, this often leads to a buildup of technical debt, reshipping features, and generally poor code practices.


Limited Resources and Budget

Startups typically operate with limited resources and tight budgets. Allocating funds for security measures can seem like an unnecessary expense when the primary focus is on growth and customer acquisition. Many startups believe they can address security issues later when they have more resources.

While security is undoubtedly an additional cost, it doesn’t have to be a massive drain on resources. Some basic tools and expertise can get you 90% of the way there which dramatically reduces your risk and technical debt down the road.


Lack of Security Expertise

Many startup teams lack in-house security expertise. Founders and developers may not have a strong background in cybersecurity, leading to a lack of awareness and understanding of AppSec best practices. This knowledge gap can result in security being overlooked or inadequately addressed.

However, while great security expertise (and engineering talent) is hard to find this is a poor excuse. Many managed services can help guide your internal teams or even help you hire on as you scale.


Perception of Low Risk

There is a common perception among startups that they are not attractive targets for cybercriminals. This belief stems from the idea that larger, more established companies have more valuable data and assets.

Yet, this couldn’t be further from the truth as cybercriminals often see startups as easy targets due to their weaker security postures. Additionally, some may even take advantage of early deficits in security so that they can they can be exploited later on.


The Cyber Threat Landscape for Small Businesses

Increasing Target of Cyber Attacks

Small businesses often assume they are too small to be of interest to cybercriminals. However, this misconception can lead to disastrous consequences.

According to a report by Verizon, 28% of data breaches in 2021 involved small businesses. Cybercriminals target small businesses because they often lack robust security measures, making them easier targets.


Common Threats Faced by Small Businesses

Small businesses face a variety of cyber threats, including:

  • Phishing Attacks: Deceptive emails or messages that trick employees into revealing sensitive information.
  • Ransomware: Malicious software that encrypts data and demands a ransom for its release.
  • Data Breaches: Unauthorized access to sensitive business or customer data.
  • Insider Threats: Employees or contractors misusing their access to company data.

The Financial Impact of Cyber Attacks

The financial ramifications of a cyberattack can be devastating for small businesses. The cost of a data breach can range from legal fees and regulatory fines to lost revenue and reputational damage.

According to IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach for small businesses is approximately $4.45 million. For many small businesses, such a financial hit can be catastrophic.


Benefits of Early AppSec Integration

Proactive Risk Management

Integrating AppSec early in the business lifecycle enables proactive risk management. By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities during the development phase, businesses can prevent potential exploits before they become serious issues.

This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of successful cyberattacks and minimizes the impact of any incidents that do occur. Plus it positions your organization for good security posture down the line as your business grows.


Cost Savings in the Long Run

While investing in AppSec may seem like an added expense, it can lead to significant cost savings in the long run. Fixing security issues during the development phase is considerably cheaper than addressing them post-deployment.

In other words, dealing with application security from the start will actually help speed development (when implemented correctly of course).

Additionally, preventing data breaches and cyberattacks can save businesses from costly legal battles, regulatory fines, and reputational damage.


Building Customer Trust

Customers are increasingly concerned about the security of their personal information. Demonstrating a commitment to AppSec can help build trust with customers, reassuring them that their data is safe.

This trust can translate into customer loyalty, positive reviews, and increased business or investment opportunities.


Regulatory Compliance

Many industries are subject to stringent data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Early integration of AppSec helps ensure compliance with these regulations, avoiding hefty fines and legal consequences.


Steps to Integrate AppSec in Small Businesses

Depending on your business resources or competencies, you may want to consider working with an appsec partner like us here at True Positives. This can help you make the most of the minimal resources dedicated to security while still helping to ensure a robust security posture.

However, aside from working with a partner, here are some additional components to consider.


Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

A Secure SDLC incorporates security at every stage of the software development process. This includes:

  • Requirement Analysis: Identifying security requirements alongside functional requirements.
  • Design: Implementing security best practices in the application architecture.
  • Coding: Following secure coding guidelines to prevent vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Testing: Conducting regular security testing, including code reviews and penetration testing.
  • Deployment: Ensuring secure deployment practices and monitoring applications for vulnerabilities.

Employee Training and Awareness

Human error is a significant factor in many security breaches. Providing regular training and awareness programs for employees can help mitigate this risk. Training should cover:

  • Phishing Awareness: Educating employees on how to recognize and respond to phishing attempts.
  • Secure Password Practices: Encouraging the use of strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • Data Protection: Teaching employees the importance of handling sensitive data securely.

Implementing Security Tools

Small businesses can leverage a variety of security tools to enhance their AppSec efforts. These tools include:

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Tools that analyze source code for vulnerabilities.
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Tools that test running applications for security flaws.
  • Web Application Firewalls (WAFs): Solutions that protect web applications from common attacks.

Regular Security Audits and Assessments

Regular security audits and assessments are essential for maintaining a robust AppSec posture. These activities help identify and remediate security gaps, ensuring continuous improvement. Small businesses can engage third-party security experts to conduct comprehensive audits and provide actionable recommendations.


Overcoming Challenges in AppSec Integration

Limited Resources and Budget

One of the primary challenges small businesses face in integrating AppSec is limited resources and budget. However, there are cost-effective solutions available, such as open-source security tools and managed security services that will help guide you on future plans - tools selection, hiriring etc. - in addition to improving your security posture.


Lack of Expertise

Many small businesses lack in-house security expertise. Partnering with security consultants or managed security service providers (MSSPs) can bridge this gap. These experts can provide guidance, implement security measures, and offer ongoing support.


Balancing Security and Usability

Integrating AppSec should not come at the expense of usability. Security measures should be designed to enhance, not hinder, the user experience. Involving both security and development teams in the process ensures a balanced approach that meets security requirements without compromising usability - or slowing down development.


AppSec for Small Businesses and Startups

Integrating Application Security (AppSec) early in the business lifecycle is crucial for small businesses. It enables proactive risk management, cost savings, customer trust, and regulatory compliance.

Despite challenges such as limited resources and lack of expertise, there are practical steps and solutions available to help small businesses enhance their AppSec efforts.

If you want to learn more about how True Positives can help enhance your AppSec without breaking the bank – contact us today!