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Secure Your Apps With True Positives

Get expert and affordable managed application security services from industry veterans with experience at @stake, Rapid7, Microsoft, and more - apply for a free trial today!

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Trusted Security Experts From
True Positives Expert-Led

Managed Application Security Services

Comprehensive application security managed services with regular automated scanning plus manually verified results.


Monthly App Scanning

Get regular, automated scans and manually verified reports to identify new vulnerabilities as your application evolves.

Comprehensive Reports

Beyond automated results - our experts manually analyze findings, eliminating false positives and providing clear, actionable insights.

Remediation Rescans

Utilize our remediation rescans to verify that your fixes are effective and ensure vulnerabilities are truly resolved.

Expert Support

Receive expert support and AppSec guidance through remediation questions, and strategic security advice.

Flexible On-Demand Model

Customize and scale based on your needs without rigid long-term and expensive contracts.

True Positives Managed AppSec

Our Process

Learn how True Positives managed application security services helps you secure your most valuable assets.

Personalized Set-Up & Onboarding

We start with personalized research to understand your testing needs, team, and technology.

This includes onboarding, authentication validation, comprehensive application coverage, and ongoing scan tuning to ensure optimization.

Scan + Verify & Report

Our experts operators conduct vulnerability scans and manual inspections on targets you choose following your preferred schedule.

We start by filtering out false alerts, then verify authentic security risks. At the end of each monthly cycle, you will receive a detailed Vulnerability Scan Report.

Debrief & Action Planning

After each scheduled scan, we conduct a comprehensive review session led by our AppSec experts.

This session is open to all stakeholders from your side, providing a platform for detailed technical explanations, deep insights into vulnerabilities, and actionable advice for mitigation.

Remediation & Validation

Let us know when you're ready, and we'll perform up to 4 validation rescans to confirm the effectiveness of your fixes.

Each rescan is provided free of charge and includes guidance for your team to give you peace of mind that your applications are secure.

True Positives Testimonials

Your AppSec Advantage

Learn how True Positives offers AppSec teams an unmatched advantage.
appsec expert Dan Kuykendall

True Positives offers a great option for managed scanning, offering a cost-effective solution for quality and reliable scans when hiring or scaling in house teams is not feasible. They don’t just send reports, they identify and manually verify vulnerabilities then help walk you through the findings while providing clear guidance to developers on how to prioritize plus fix issues.”

Dan Kuykendall

Host of Dan on Dev Podcast

appsec expert Julie Richard

“Partnering with True Positives for managed DAST services will save you countless hours and headaches. Their expertise and proactive approach streamline identification and prioritization of vulnerabilities while also providing a trusted partner for ensuring development has the information it needs to secure valuable assets.

Julie Richard

Former DAST Senior Security Program Manager - Microsoft

appsec expert brook schoenfield

"True Positives addresses the challenges and expenses intrinsic to application security testing. They provide a streamlined, cost-effective, managed service to businesses of all sizes.

Brook Schoenfield

CTO, Resilient Software Security