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Advanced Application Security Testing

True Positives empowers your security team to streamline advanced application security testing (AppSec) with a focus on reliable results and actionable insights.

application security testing being handle by an expert at true positives

Reduce False Positives.

Our expert-tuned tools and processes minimize time spent on dead ends, allowing your team to focus on genuine vulnerabilities.


application security testing being displayed by true positives
application security testing by true positives prioritizing the cyber threats

Prioritize Threats Effectively.

True Positives goes beyond basic detection, offering clear prioritization based on exploitability and potential impact.


Deeper Analysis for Real-World Risks.

We empower you and your team to conduct advanced testing that considers real-world attack vectors, ensuring a comprehensive security posture.


application security testing being carried out by a cyber expert on the true positives team
application security testing being made more efficient by using T+

Focus on Efficiency.

Our streamlined approach frees up valuable security resources, allowing your team to address critical issues faster within budget.


Get Started Today

Don't wait for a breach. True Positives offers proactive app security at a price you can afford. Contact us for a free consultation plus vulnerability scan ($499).